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the red chair

to help you achieve the desired results from projects and partners, and help you with less familiar and mostly one-off tasks

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what is the red chair?

digitalisation swaps 


most companies are only going through transformation phases once every 30 years. that means that an average CIO or CEO experiences huge changes like a new ERP-system or a full digitalisation swap only once or at best twice in his career. these kinds of projects are mostly outsourced to partners that are specialised in these activities. but to challenge and qualify the partner, you still need qualified people on board that can be the right conversation partner on your behalf towards the implementation partner. that is the role that we offer and call the red chair.

what is the purpose of the red chair?

the red chair helps you execute on your behalf and get the desired result from your project and partner. roles that are fulfilled from the red chair include; partner manager, enterprise architect, program management and change manager.

Business Meeting
“we put the red chair besides you and help you with less familiar and mostly one-off tasks.”

what can we do for you?

the red chair helps you define the spot on the horizon (why), build the road towards (how) and guard the execution (what) from a governance perspective. in order to help you create the desired results from projects and partners.

Meeting Room Business



Landdrostdreef 124

1314SK, Almere

The Netherlands

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